Saturday, December 3, 2011


I can't believe I've been here almost 2 weeks and FINALLY my foster Mom is letting me dictate a post! I mean, seriously, if I'm going to find my forever home by Christmas, we need to get busy!

What can I say? I'm black, I'm beautiful, and I'm long-legged! At 67 pounds, I'm almost as tall as my 82-pound foster brother, Noble!

My name is in Keith Stone. Not sure why humans laugh when they hear that! My Mom says I should be named "Loki!" I kinda like the idea of being named after a Norse god, but I'm not sure what she means by saying it "fits!" I mean, just because I pulled a rose out of the bouquet on her table....I didn't knock the whole bouquet over! I was VERY careful!
By the way, do you know Amy Moery is my 401(Grey) sponsor? I'm sure glad she saw me on the GPA website and recognized my blackness. I hope to meet Hershey one day. I understand my sponsorship was a birthday present to him!

I learned how to do stairs quickly! Taught myself...I'm that smart! And that broken's no bother at all! I like to go for walks on my leash and I'm very good about both types of pottying on leash.

Could you have my forever home Christmas present?

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